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AEW Annual Retreat Photo Gallery

Highlights of a dynamic women's retreat!


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2012 Retreat

This retreat was held at the charming Carlisle Inn in Sugargreek, Ohio.  The theme centered around the caterpillar, and the transformation that it goes through to become a butterfly.  There are women who are in certain stages of their lives going through this "transformation" process; on the path to becoming what God intended.  The women left Retreat with a greater resolve to stick with the "process" to become more productive, more prosperous, and more beautiful.

2014 Retreat

God declared 2014 as the "Year of Release!"  Powerful sessions brought an impartation of inward drive, considerable determination, re-discovery of dreams, renewal of vision, and unwavering focus.  AEW is excited to see what stories of success and accomplishment the women will bring in 2015!

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