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AEW's current and future programs equip women with the keys to change their circumstances and unlock their true potential.

AEW Annual Retreat


This isn't your ordinary women's church gathering!  Women from all walks of life look forward to this event filled with fun, fellowship, relaxation and refreshing held in various locations across the State of Ohio.  Retreat staff (aka The Dream Team) go above and beyond to provide many amenities for the guests; mouth-watering cuisine meals for lunch and dinner; a Relaxation Station complete with reflexology and full-body massage administered by licensed and trained technicians; powerful and enlightening workshops to inspire, educate, and move women to action; and fun excursions (i.e. shopping) to allow the guests to "let their hair down"! 


Do you want to hear more?  Do you want to hear testimonials about how wonderful Retreat is?




If you ask the ladies, "What goes on at one of these Retreats?", she will reply...


What goes on at Retreat... Stays at Retreat!


You have to be there to experience it.


See you in 2016!



Click HERE to experience highlights of past AEW Retreats



Due to the needs we see in the community AEW will develop these programs to change the outcomes that some women have suffered and currently deal with.

WIC 2 WIC Circles


At some point, women from all walks of life encounter a crisis.  Women who walk with Christ are not exempt from life's trials.





WIC-2-WIC keeps us mindful that a woman in Christ can become a woman in crisis, and she needs the loving support of her sisters in the community.  Our goal is to empower women, give them the provisions they need, and help them be restored to a place of happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity.


WIC-2-WIC Circles are groups of women in various communities planted across the United States to assist women with critical issues.  Support is provided in 4 ways:

1. Telephone help line

2. Online discussion boards, chat sessions, and web-based resources

3. Bi-weekly group meetings

4. Provision systems that house a reserve of food, clothing, and other items to meet immediate needs.

Employment Opportunities


AEW seeks to open viable businesses that will provide employment to women who may be challenged with obtaining a job.  Women who have previously been incarcerated or female returning citizens, are among these who have challenges obtaining gainful employment. 


AEW Fashions


AEW Fashions puts a new spin to an old idea!  Our Resale Boutique will employ women who face barriers to employment. 

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